The Pontiac Wood Board Producers announces the opening of a hardwood pulpwood yard at C987 Route 303 North, Shawville:

From September 1st, 2023 to March 31, 2024.

Species: Maple; Beech; Birch; Oaks; Butternut trees; Cherry tree; Basswood; Elms; Ostryer (Iron wood)

Dimension: Length 14′ 6″

Diameter: 26″ max; 3″ (End End)

Price per Path: $40 / T.M.V.       NB: Delivery permit required before production and delivery.

Transportation is paid per road (FOB), according to the current equalization.

Trucks are weighed 2 times (Loaded and empty for tonnage), at:

Mc Grimmon Cartage: 384, 7th Concession, Shawville, open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Call the Office at 819-647-2448 for more information.